About Us

The Bible Truth Assembly, which meets at 708 9th Street in Charles City, Iowa, is a group of Christians that recognizes the authority of the scripture. At its foundation, we believe that it is only through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection that we can receive forgiveness of sins and have eternal life in Him.

We seek to glorify Christ in meeting as we understand the church was designed, with the role of each Christian to contribute as God has gifted and according to His order.

We meet each Sunday and Wednesday according to Matthew 18:20, Where two or three are gathered together unto my Name, there am I in the midst of them. With Christ as our center, we meet together to grow in our spiritual maturity, to remember Christ’s death for us, and to present God’s plan of salvation.

The Charles City Assembly fellowships with other assemblies and sponsors a yearly Bible Conference in August at the Cedar Falls Riverview Park. Other conferences and camps are held in Minnesota, Pennsylvania and the Bahamas.